Monterosso is the largest village of the Cinque Terre and also the first to be documented (1056).

Consisting of two districts, the old village and Fegina, the more touristy part, Monterosso also boast important moments. Amongst these the XIV century church of San Giovanni Battista (St. John the Baptist), in front of which rose the Medieval Palazzo del Podestà, of which some traces remain.

Of great importance, on the colle dei (hills of) Cappuccini, the castello dei Fieschi (the castle of Fieschi) and the monastero (monastry) whose church is San Francesco (St. Francis), contains works of art of unestimable value amongst which pictures attributed to Van Dick, Cambiaso, Piola and Guido Reni.

Villa Montale can be found at Fegina, where the Nobel prize winner for Literature stayed and the Gigante (Giant), imposing statue in reinforced cement built at the beginning of 1900 which originally held up a terrace in the shape of a shell.

Discover with us the settlement of Monterosso al Mare


Our Lady of Soviore is the oldest Marian santuario (Sanctuary) in Liguria. The legend goes that the first church was built in the VIII century when a priest, guided by a dove, found a wooden pietà in the ground, which had been buried there a century earlier by the inhabitants of the area who fled from fear of the arrival of Rotari troops.
At the beginning of the year 1400 a new santuario (Sanctuary) was built, thanks to the inhabitants of Monterosso who had elected Soviore as a true destination for pilgrims. In the year 1700 the church was covered with the actual vault, “affrescato” a century later by the Mentasti with figures which represented the history of the santuario (Sanctuary).
In this period came about the construction of the arcade and guest rooms. At present the church hosts, a precious Agati organ, as well as a small wooden statue (XIV century).

San Bernardino

The most recent santuario our Lady of Graces, is at San Bernardino 300 metres high. It was built following the 1800 restoration of an existing chapel, a building which tradition would like, founded by San Bernardo di Siena (St. Bernard of Siena) in person who prayed in this area for many years. Built in an area which boasts a magnificent view of all the Cinque Terre, the santuario (Sanctuary) owes its dedication to an old picture showing the Madonna con il Bambino (Virgin Mary with Child) which can be found between San Bernardo (St. Bernard) of Chiaravalle and San Bernardino di Siena (St. Bernard of Siena). Several miraculous events are attributed to San Bernardino of Siena. Later the picture was cut, crowned and placed above the altar, whilst two oval frames hang on the walls preserving even today pictures of the two saints.

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